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Ceiling Fans In Grow Rooms

Has anyone tried putting a ceiling fan in your grow area? I remember seeing SHB having a box fan hanging over his plants and it seemed like a food idea. If you install one with lights and put in some kind of light that doesn't cause hermi's it would be kind of cool. 

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Replies (5)
    • Bad idea CPW ! Have you ever been hit in the head, by an ceiling fan. He,he,he  If you see somebody get it by one, it's funnier than hell , But if t hits you... it ain't too funny !

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      • LMFAO Chubbs.

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      • I saw my brother in law get hit in the hand because he was changing his shirt under one, You only have to see it once to know you dont want to do that. Holding back on the laughter did hurt me a little

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        • oh that was just me trying things out. i had a box fan suspended from the inside of my tent. Indecently, my grow room has a regular ceiling fan (not my tent, obviously) and i use it regularly. I also have a 4x4 and a 5x5 tent in this room.

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          • That box fan made an impression on me, great idea really.

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