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I am still thinking roots.  I noticed the plants that you have issues with or say less healthy are more indica and your sativa grows tend to be healthier.  Indica plants will typically have a bigger root system than sativas.  I know you are regimented and consistant with your prosses, but have you ever considered growing 1-2 plants in same space with bigger pots?

    • yeah they are definitely round bound wich most prolly doesn't help with their health. i m not ready for less plants and bigger pot, will add to much veg time to my rotations.

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      • I think You do exceptionally well with your space! What are the dimensions of your tent again?

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        • 2x3x6


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          • How about those Air pots? Could that be of any interest combining more air for roots without needing bigger pots?

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          • I use 5 gallon n it is about 3 months of growth.I have read that a rule of thumb is a gallon per month.

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            • Root bound plants are a major prob with all sorts of things. Hulk is absolutely right !! Pot size is something we as growers can control. 

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