Comment to 'Getting ready for my first flip!'
  • First congrats on the flip sarge very exciting to know what's just around the corner. I like the shape of each of your plants they are growing quickly. I like to do a trim before flip then after the stretch I will lollipop them. The color as mentioned looks to me like they are hungry. What it looks like to me is not enough nitrogen because the whole plant is consistent with that light green color. 

    You said 1/2 strength with nutes I think is a good place to be especially with a sativa dominant plant, but how are you feeding every time you water? I like the water feed water water feed method. The problem now is your looking to flip, and the plant should be as healthy as can be before so. Your needing to decrease your nitrogen at this point so if it were my grow I would up cal mag to 10ml per gal wait 2 weeks then flip then you can use up what is left in soil while uping the mag then hit it with bloom nute cocktail 1 or 2 feedings before flip. Others will offer there opinion as well that's just mine. Are you given the roots anything, maybe think about some molasses too

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    •  You mention Sativa dominance. Sativas lean toward the lime green side. So, lighting dependent, they may not be so far off. My RCs never got very dark green.

      Still agree with your recos, just wanted to mention that, since you brought up color.

      Definitely take care of those roots!!  I use Azos n Mykos once a month, in both rooms.

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      • yeah very limey green for sure. didnt know that about Sativas! pickin up lil nuggets of wisdom every day!

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