Comment to 'Jim'
Comment to Jim
  • When you go to your account at there euro site to buy seeds,you will get dumped to the US site.Your  old account info is still there at there euro site,but if you look at your shipping info,country to ship to United States is not on the list.So you can't purchase seeds there.Your stuck paying twice as much for seeds purchased from there US site.

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    • Growing weed is about to get a lot more expensive... next will be the price of fertilizer because it’s a limited resource that will run out eventually.

      Could you imagine if later on you need a degree in horticulture or agriculture to even buy fertilizer.

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      • the price of our Foxfarms Ocean Forest went up $1.00. also perlite and vermeculite are getting hard to procure. 

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        • I've been buying an extra bag of both when I can. Last year it was tough finding perlite for sure.

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