Comment to 'Dispensary nuggets '
  • I can't say I like dispensary weed anymore. guy traded me a few grams for some equipment and the stuff was toxic. Sure hope he grows better stuff because this was like crumbly rocks, tasted terrible, by comparison to even my grungiest grow.

    they are forcing the grows in some cases feeding them all sorts of shit. newbies are the ones getting shafted by dispensaries, well poorly serviced anyhow. 

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    • I completely agree with you. I have had some people give me several different strains from dispensaries and I wasn't a fan. I might be biased but I think my weed is better in every category. I have read that some people are using pgh (which is not approved for human consumption ) to get denser buds but I would think dispensaries would not sell something grown with hormones. 

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