Comment to 'Seeds'
Comment to Seeds
  • I have not ever seen a guide but I can tell what I know on the subject.

    1.Was the hermie plants you talked about. They will be female because there was not a true male in the mix meaning the seeds have no Y chromosome.

    The reason most breeders use a chemical to make feminized seeds is because the seeds or offspring are unlikely to encounter the chemical again eliminating the chance for a hermie in the next batch.

    let's say heat caused the plant to hermie, you got the seed from the plant, planted it again in the same environment and did not improve the growing conditions an it was really hot like before. The seeds you planted would be less tolerant to heat stress than the parents were and most likely hermie.

    2. The gene for autoflowering is a recessive trait so when you cross a photo with one you'll have what some breeders sell as a fast version. when you take 2 plants from a population of a fast version strain you'll end up with about 25% of the plants autoflowering in the next population, you can then cross 2 of the autos in that batch to make a true auto strain but its not always this simple.

    3. Both photo plants & auto plants can be regular this means you'll get male & female plants. I done explained above what happens when you cross a photoperiod to an auto plant.

    4. breeding is a game of dominance meaning the more stable the strain is, the stronger the influence it'll have on the cross & what order you chose to meaning if you try to make a cross like blue cheese and use blueberry for the mom it will not be blue cheese.... it wont even smell like it, what it will be is cheeseberry and it'll be more blueberry dom kida like a blueberry skunk its got more tart berry notes than that sour darie cheese smell real blue cheese has.

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    • Josh, you just took me back 40 years, I felt like i was sitting in a classroom.  Bro you got teaching skills mang.

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      • Great info!

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