Comment to 'Clones '
Comment to Clones
  • This is a good question!  CPW brings up a good point about using heat mats. You would think since warm roots leads to root rot it would be bad for seedlings and clones yet many growers use heat mats to propagate.

    You dont need a fancy cloning machine! I clone using a humidity dome; sealed. Living in Texas, I only use a heat pad if its cold. But i prefer a warm, moist environment for both clones and seedlings

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    • No....YOU don't need a fancy cloner. If that's what works best for me, then, yes, I DO need a "fancy cloner".

       And there's "warm", then there's "Root rot warm".

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      • I usually pull mine as soon as I see roots so there's nothing to rot. Hydroguard is a good idea, I had not tried that.

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