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Mother Nature strikes again.

 Apparently, Mother Nature decided to further the blessings to my OD grow.

Worms? Bud Rot? Bahhh!  CHILD'SPLAY, I tell ya.

Remember my pretty little "Hanukkah" plant? Well, last night's storm front decided she needed just a little something extra....STEM SPLITTING!!!

Here's the before pic. Now, since I don't have an after, picture this same plant, split perfectly, symmetrically down the middle, to about 4 inches above the soil.

Taped her up...we'll see what happens.

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Comments (7)
    • Ahhh, that SUXS!   Sorry to hear that.   Did look like a menorah.    Last year 1 of mine was hit by wind 3 times!! She had more duct tape on her than  Menards  has stock!! Ha ha   Didn’t faze her a bit.  She just kept growing.     This year I’m having some definite issues. No bud rot yet!! Or bugs.  BUT!!!!!!      If this rain ever quits I’m going to harvest a little early.   It’s been a fairly tough grow this 2021.     Probably be firing up that indoor sometime in the near future.        

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      • That’s phase!!!  

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      • Outdoor growing certainly has its issues doesn't it. Next year I think I will try the Hoop House idea and see if that works. I plan to build a garage in that spot in 2 years and if the hoop house works I will put a flat roof on the garage and put a hoop house on top, maybe try a little outside RDWC and see if I can find new ways to have problems, lol. If I had the money it would be ideal to put a basement under the garage and grow in there too. I dont play the lottery so I guess I will wait by the door for Ed McMann to stop by with a big check. How dead is he anyway?

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        • That was a really cool looing plant, do you think leaving a nub at the split would have helped at all? I am thinking not enough

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          • I left one, but it dried up and fell off.

            IF I go back OD next year, I'm putting some kind of cover over them. I think it was all the rain, not so much the humidity, that caused my bud rot. And I KNOW it was the rain that split my Malawi.

            Thinking about PVC and clear plastic sheeting. Maybe removeable, Idk. With a cover, I can also throw a fan out there for better air circulation.

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            • Same here, I think the rain gets in the buds and starts the rot

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            • What up Rbt, If you don't put fencing up around the plants you'll have the winds split plants in every direction. If you look at this plant and how it was pretty much split already with it's growth pattern, a small breeze is all it would take to do the rest. Believe me I found this out the hard way YEARS ago. BTW... How did the Malawi turn out ? 

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