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Growing on hold

A little break in the growing right now, been to busy with my 69 Chevelle build. Gotta get it done, I’m retiring 1st quarter 2026. 

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Comments (4)
    • I’m sure you have enough stash to hold you over. Not sure which one I’m more jealous about  but that’s bad ass and happy for you.

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      • Yeah got a good stash, would last me a few years, but my better half can go through a quart jar in a month. lol 


        the 69 will be a crazy ride, my engine builder is starting on the BBC 496 600+ HP in March. 

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      • Good for you man.You earned it I'm sure

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Congratulations!  That is gonna be Badass!!!!💪💪💪

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