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Is any one use HID anymore?

What are you fine gents using for light these days? HID, LED, CFL,  etc. How do you use, seedling,  veg, and flower. Thank you. I have heard led is the best bang for the buck,  Temperature is less of a problem, and better results. Opinions.?

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Comments (8)
    • Blueman I used a HID system in both of my tents still have a 1000 watt setup boxed up in my bedroom.Was going to gift it to someone but no one was interested so it went to storage 

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      • replaced my 250W HPS with spiderfarmer SF2000 200W, greatly improved the issues i had with heat.

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        •  Dude, if I could afford the electric bill, my HPS's would still be hanging in my flower room. I absolutely LOVED my HPS setup. 2000 watts, Cooltubes, in a 4x7 room.

           Granted, I do like my LED's, especially the operating costs. They give excellent results...

           But I still miss running my HPS's.

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          • I do use my HID's for seed production .

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            • LED’s only could afford anything else.

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