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Time to harvest

I have decided to harvest this weekend or start of next week This will bring me 8-81/2 weeks in flower I normally like around 9-10 weeks but I’ve lived in Florida long enough to know I’m pushing my luck with a hurricane. I have scoped them couple days ago and seen a little amber but also clear tricomes and cloudy I know there starting to sprout more white hairs here and there so thinking there ready. My worst fear is being 7 days into a dry and loose power for a week that would be devastating. Looks like it’s going to be a early season for the storms fingers crossed it’s not

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Comments (11)
    • You got time bud...Don't think that little thing out will pose any threat...Beyond that nothing could bother us for at least couple weeks...


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      • Oh nice looking grow fer shur...

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        • I pray your right Rick thanks

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        • Great Work Hulk!!! Hopefully Mother Nature will not make things interesting.  

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          • I appreciate that Sarge always good to see you on here

            0 0 0 0 0 0
          • Pretty !!

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Tanks

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            • outstanding garden my friend wishing u the best on the weather !!

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              • Thanks buddy. Not liking the updates king but hoping the storm goes over the mountains to help tame her

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              • your gonna get a nice yield off those gerlz...nice werk!

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                • I really want to wait as long as I can everyday I see a little more plumpness but that’s the last couple off weeks of any grow. 👍🏻

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