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I have had problems germinating the freebies from delicious seeds. The black sugar rose never popped. The 11 roses popped still waiting on her to pop out of the wool. The Ethos White Wedding popped and up in 3 days. I know I have 1 going for this run just waiting on #2. The last harvest of 24 carat landed me 12 mason jars full. These ladies get big in water lol. I had been getting 6 to 8 jars per auto. So I gave the autos 2 years of growing now to the photos in dwc. 

Happy Fathers Day to all ! No matter if your kids have two or four legs! wink

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    • Mine has 4

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      • Hey Cake bummer on that BSR pretty good one from what I hear. Looking foward to your delicious run nice strains.

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Not looking good on the 11 roses. might have to stick their 11 roses auto in with the photo lol

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