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Week 8 on White Widow, Jock Horror, and Skywalker OG

Hit week 8 since the flip.  Got some leaves changing color and the buds are fattening up nicely.  Hoping for no more than 2 weeks left as I am getting excited to try the Jock Horror and Skywalker OG.  

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Comments (2)
    • Girls are lookin great!!

      whats growing in the back corner there?

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      • Thaks Sub!  Carolina reaper plant that was from last year.  It was a late bloomer, so I decided to keep it going in the grow tent.  Damn thing is still producing peppers.  Once I am ready for harvest it should be warm enough to move it back outside.  I feed that plant with my runoff water so it gets the same nutes as my other plants.  

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