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Comments (6)
    • I like this video! he touches on the old 48 hour darkness myth, Defoliation and Pruning and the whole myth of flushing before harvest that most of us found out doesnt do anything by actually TRYING it

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      • I watch Dr. Bruce a lot . I have learned that you better have some paper and a pen when this guy gives a lecture. Good Vid Rick

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        • I ran into this vid early last year...This is actually the 2nd time I have posted it...The reason for posting it was all the things you mentioned Sub...Goes back to what we always tell new growers, is keep it simple...

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • And I called it myths, not bro science. I like bro science remark about as much as I like woke. 


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            • Lol same here!

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • 😆

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