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KHALIFA Genetics

Ordered these seeds today and I was instructed to mail $ to this small Highland Illinois town, that is 10 minutes from my hometown in Edwardsville Illinois? The seed company is out of France I think. WEIRD ! Pic is random OD 22.

 ordering from North America, Send cash money in an envelope in USD bills (no coins) within a greeting card to:

KG Products
PO Box 583
Illinois 62249

*North American customers can also pay via CashApp. Here is our CashApp account name: $KGProducts
Simply include your order number.

Do not forget to include money for the shipping costs. It is important to also include your order number!

[Order #8187] (January 22, 2023)

Product Quantity Price
Subtotal: €48.00
Shipping: €5.90 via Registered Domestic Shipping (Tracking Number)
Payment method: Cash payment
Balkh Hash Plant - 12 regular seeds
  • Package Size:

    12 regular seeds

1 €48.00
0 0 0 0 0 0
  • Set badges
  • 360
Comments (4)
    • Very different, how did you hear of them? any reviews?

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • I don't send cash to anyone I don't know. And cashapp is a no go as well as once you're scammed cashapp won't help you... 

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Why would someone in Illinois what to get paid in Euros?

          The last time I sent cash in the mail was $1.99 for my sea monkeys in the late 60's and I am still waiting. Glad I didnt let that "real" submarine for $3.99 sucker me in. That would be about $40 in todays market. 

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • Hulkster, I was researching Hash Plant breeders and they popped up . Most of their seeds are landrace from Afghanistan. 

            0 0 0 0 0 0
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