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by accident i found out that blueberry can survive on less nuts than hindu kush or cement shoes ....  things just did not add up they should b happy as flea's n a rug but there not ....  so my hero said this is not your first trip n the garden ...  so out we went 2 split some fire wood by hand that sucks and i am 70 haven't worked N years ....  i waz thinking bout what hero said so i fixed the blueberry now i will fix the kush and shoe's .!    

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Comments (4)
    • I miss having a wood burning stove.

      Don't miss cutting, splitting and hauling firewood, not even a little.

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • i have wood on the property santa brought a wood splitter great guy !! 

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • i under stand my friend it is work 4 sure ....

          0 0 0 0 0 0
        • I love how you spread that plant out!

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