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Yellowing has gone away!

Thanks guys for your input on what to give my babies, The Cal Mag did the tick and now they are back on track and growing.... My GG#4 the one in the middle is getting HUGE !!!  funny its about 3 weeks younger than the other two lol ......


Everyone here you are AMAZGING and thanks again, i really appreciate all the advice  


Just a guess, how much weed do you think i will get out of these girls come harvest time ??????

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Comments (6)
    • You should get a couple lbs of nice buds and a couple more of grade b . Always estimate low, so if it's more you're really stoked !!!

      1 0 0 0 0 0
      • That corn don't have a chance ! he,he,he

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Nothing like .....  just floating around in your pool,  sippin  on a cool one ......... taking in the scenery. NICE JOB!!!!    There gorgeous.... have a happy 4th man.  😊

          2 1 0 0 0 0
          • heheh thanks ! Next year will be 8 plants around the pool heheeh this year was a test run 

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          • Those are doing great, when they stretch they may go over the fence for the neighbors to pick their share so how much you end up with is a tough call, lol. Nice spacing Who was the grower on here that had plants about a foot apart

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            • Your setup makes me jealous first I wish I could grow outside but to high humidity bugs laws ect then you have your pool and I can just picture myself floating around with a joint and my coffee surrounded by beautiful plants, damn sign me up. Great job fixing your yellowing leaves people on here are amazing and always willing to help.

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