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Lots of good black Friday sales this year! Hopefully you guys got to take advantage!

I kept my money with raw genetics.

55% off everything except clones 

Grabbed some Gary Peyton, stuffed cherries zlushies and biscotti pie full packs. Their free promos are usually fire so can't wait to see what they give me!

Raw genetics baby! 💪💪💪

Over 30 plants last grow, not a seed or a nanner! Delicious I believe is also 50%off so gonna grab some 11 roses!

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Comments (4)
    • Yes Delicious Seeds are 50% off on their Delicious strainz..and Green Point Seeds are also 50% off as well and of course Nirvana Seeds have BOGO free

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      • Best time of year to buy seeds brother! 

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      • i hit lit farms 50%off with freebies i have a full pack of biscotti pie. just haven't opened them yet  

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        • M heading to Jamaica in February so I'd love to throw up a biscotti pie and have it finished before I leave..if not then gonna be my spring time grow.

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