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super silver haze

has any one grown S S H would like 2 c some picture's of your grow 2 compare mine 2 so i would know what it should look like i am still working with these led's  ....

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Comments (7)
    • That is awesome there King. That is one happy girl right there. This could be the one!

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      • thank u sir that picture is a few days ago the stretch has started i hope i can bring her on home with out any more issues  ...

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        • I know , I seem to have my problems in mid to late bloom. I think you got this though!

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          • i do 2 most of the time ...

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          • Hulk finished a grow of SSH not to long ago, the ones I grew were males but I think yours are doing great. I would thin out those fan leaves in a week or so but other than that I think you got it 

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            • thanks CPW i am happy so far things seem 2 b ok for now will c what 2 morrow will bring ....

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              • Hey king looking really good, CPW is correct I did a run of SSH not that long ago I will try to repost some pics for you.

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