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Good morning new to portal

Good morning, I'm new to the portal, this is my first grow and unfortunately I had unidentified seeds. One seems to be an auto, I started them indoors in March then acclimated them to the outdoors. This is what I've got so far, after having to throw away a couple hermaphrodites.

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Comments (8)
    • welcome 2 the wp McGreen looks like u r doing very good my friend ...

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      • welcome to wp

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        • Welcome to the WP brother!

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          • Welcome To WP

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            • What up home slice ... WP is a  good place to be. Lotta good, smart dudes that have been there, done that, when it comes to growin ! Next grow, KNOW what you're plantin, it will be well worth it to you. Auto's ,regs, femed, and the dreaded hermie (they'll fuck a grow up in a hurry). Plan EVERYTHING, and write evefrything down too !!!!  I'm stoned, I need to shut up ! Peace

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