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New experiment

I'm always experimenting as some of you are aware. This is one I'm working on and I thought I'd get your input and opinions on. I put this plant in a tall plastic pot, filled the 5g bucket (no holes) about halfway up with soil, then installed a 3 legged tomato cage.

It's outdoors and my reason for this is to keep it from drying out too quickly this summer...I also am doing the same thing with a 3g fabric bag.  The air space around the pot is supposed to give it air flow and help keep the roots cool. We'll see. 

This is a plant from aurora indica x afghan milk which was backcrossed with a female aurora. 

If I get enough rain to fill up the bucket I'll just lean it over and dump half of the water out. 

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Comments (3)
    • That is interesting, keep us posted

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Cool experiment SBR, I think the roots will be cooler, but the pot size could be a prob with root binding. If she starts to yellow you'll know . 

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        • Thats great thinking!  Will definitely be watching for further reports on this one Sir!

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