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My guy

So my luck with these Spartans are insane! Since I have these seeds I threw up idk 6-8 seeds, all fucking males lol! But no stud will go to waste in my space! This grow I used 4 seeds, all 4 are males, pretty good ones too but this guy is hands down a stud!!! Smells great vigorous, showed his shit pretty quick, ( 7 days), branching up the ass, all desirable traits! So looks like I'm using spartan kush for poppa! 

4 spartan kush males

4 Obi-Wan females

8 undecided but all are looking like mommas.

This brother gets moved in a few days and his 3 brothers go in the trash, coco gets recycled. 

Talk about fun growing!

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Comments (2)
    • With a name like Spartan you know it will be a warrior male or female. 


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      • The other 3 are not bad at all but I just need one. I'm gonna wait a another few days then gonna move a few plants around.

        As soon as have these plants sorted I'm popping the rest of these Spartans.


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