This is the heaviest plant I have yet to have. Had to add supports for the scrog. Very dense flower

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Comments (4)
    • Amazing! can you get me a side view?  Are you planing to build a larger SCROG!??!

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      • Yes Sir! I am going to build a 3x3 like you said. I have 4 2x4 that I am going to rip . I have to get some dowel rods. On this plant here I broke at the 3rd node accident, In hind sight was a blessing cause this scrog would have never held it. 

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      • yeah those are some heavy cola's..well done

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Thanks ChAs

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        Focal length: 540/100mm
        Aperture: f/1.8
        Exposure time: 1/156s
        ISO: 40