11 Roses and one Sunday Punch Delicious Seeds

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Comments (10)
    • that Sunday Punch looks like it would good werk with a scrog..looks stretchy...GL

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      • There’s always one in my grows doesn’t matter what it is. She also looks hungry I’m at 1/3 strength slowly working up to half strength on the bites punch is gettin a bit more than rest next feed I’m going through 8 gallons every 2-3 days 

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      • 😍

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        • badass

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          • Thanks brother.

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          • Hulkster, could you stick a dryer outlet nearby and run your AC and lights off it ! They make a 4 outlet strip that converts from 220v to 110v.  You could plug your lights or whatever into it . No more tripped breakers. Cost $100-$200 depending how much wire you need. 

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            • I need to check this out thank you Chubby this sounds exactly what I need I have a power strip on an extension cord going to outlet in seperate room.

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            • How's the stretch ?

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              • I am 2 weeks into flower and the plants are really starting to take off next week shoud slow down the 11 roses stayed pretty short stretched about 6" so far but droopy Mcdroopster in the back has almost doubled that.  Thats the free seed Sunday Punch plant has drooped like this from the beginning.The 11 Roses is such a pretty plant in veg huge stalk and compact. Lights are off now but I'll throw up some pics tomorrow

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              Focal length: 51/10mm
              Aperture: f/1.6
              Exposure time: 1/1075s
              ISO: 50