Don't know why she so Droopy not over watered only one affected under new light light is 24" ac

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Comments (3)
    • 'Too much light for the plant to process so she droops to avoid.


      • the solution is to move the light further away alternately dim the light if you can..... or put some kind of shade netting over the plants, in between plant and light. until the plant feels comfortable with the amount of ppfd"
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      • They look hungry..

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        • im no soil grower, but over watering and underwatering can look similar. if its not either one of those the plant must be reacting to the new LED.

          Maybe give it 24 hours of darkness to take the stress off

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          Focal length: 3710/1000mm
          Aperture: f/2.2
          Exposure time: 3243/1000000s
          ISO: 102