Wtf, I’m thinking Bud Rot again or something in my soil???

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    • This keeps happening at just this hiding spot. Thinking bud rot or something in my soil! Or I’m doing something terribly wrong. I pulled some leaves off trying to give her more ventilation about three weeks ago. Any ideas and advice greatly appreciated!!!

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      • that is so sad Nana. you said it was raining? that might be an issue. a lot rain in parts this year. doing nothing good for the buds!

        sorry for your loss

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        • Thanks Mark, much love

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        • Yep BR !! Morning dew is the main culprit ! Not much you can do about but remove it. Air circulation is key too . 

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          • Bummer...That's just one of the many things that can happen outdoors...just got to play the cards you are dealt outdoors...Mother nature is in control of the environment...In My Opinion, it is nothing you did...I will say if that spot has a tendency to get bud rot , I wouldn't waste my time on that spot again...Can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome...Good luck with the rest of the girls!!!

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            • Thanks Rick! You are correct! Now I know just need a new hiding spot. My girls that are more out in the open are doing great. My thinking was protecting it with the structure from wind. 😢

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