GSC From Nirvana In Ebb & Flow

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First time for growing GSC I wanted to see what the hub-ub is all about a few years after the fact. This one is leafiest of the bunch by far. I have 2 different lights over this one, a viperspectra PAR 700 on the left side with the red dialed down and the SF2000 on the right side. The picture may not show it clearly but the SF light side the plants stretched about double. I expected that but its nice to see

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Comments (16)
    • Not a yellow leaf in sight ... nice job !!

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      • Thanks 

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      • one plant dam nice hero !!

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        • I am surprised how both sides of one plant are so different from the other depending on the light they are under. I think thats telling me something I just dont know what, lol

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        • These are the leafiest plants I have grown next to the Auto grow. I may have to release the locusts 

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          • It is a bushy plant but looks very healthy. Nice setup!

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            • Thanks

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            • What's the distance above the plants on the SF2000? I use the SF1000's and keep them about 12 to 15 inches above all through veg and pop them up another 5 or so in flower. I don't get a whole lot of stretch in flower with 3 SF1000's in a 4x4 and once fower gets into the second week all stretching stops. 

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              • I think they are somewhere around 15" inches, I have a light meter app for my iPhone and they are getting about 40 DLI right now.  You have to be careful with the newer LED's they can burn the hell out of a plant 

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                • Yeathats what I set mine too.  I have their new LED's with the Samsung LM301B's and they run rather hot, but they are considerably better. 

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