Need something for tray drainage. Printing 3 drainage supports today. Sure I could go out and feed the corporate beast when I can make it myself better.

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Comments (7)
    • True have more choices though. If I was ambitious I would use pet bottles. Sticky but you can make shit with it

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      • Supposed to be partially recycled materials. But here's the dig, takes 3 hrs to print! That's with a fat nozzle!

        Almost done

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        • That is cool😎

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            • I think this is my final design. I will make a final version with round holes, but the final will have removable feet for added  height adjustment. The feet may need to be fiddled with. making screw joints is always a trick getting the tolerance, size, etc. A real engineer would probably figure that out before printing but I need hands on, get the feel of the weight of the material. And it's fun, can't watch the grass grow all the time.


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