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Comments (13)
    • Do you put them inside at night or just leave them out?

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      • I leave them out, as the weather gets colder I may bring them in at night.

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      • Hey CPW, we already had our first frost here! So, yeah let the rotating began.

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        • You must be in the Great Lakes area. We don’t have anything lower than 40 predicted for the next week and a half but it’s coming 

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        • Shit, Greatlakes, Canada...he,he,he  Hey CPW, if you have some twine, loosely, not too loosely, wrap it around the plant, then tie it to the stakes. You can use duct tape too. Do this at a couple different levels for branch support in the wind, and moving them.  Oh yeah, add some mix to that pot . Peace  

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          • Zip ties are the bailing twine of 2000

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          • I forgot CPW, I wanted to say that this plant is in great shape so far. If you can pull off the harvest, you'll be the man !!

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            • thanks it was the unwanted plant and now it’s my baby 

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            • Whatever you use, surround the entire plant with it. This will provide support for the whole plant. If you stake individual branches they don't provide support for each other. I'm high !

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              • Thanks, I wil lprobably have to do some bending to get it into the garage and let it finish with side lighting. That will be an inresting experiment

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