amnesia haze awful flower

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Comments (4)
    • When I grew this same auto last year from Nirvana it produced some great tight nugs with a heavy citrus profile. I got between 3 and 4 Ozs. a plant from it too. It smelt just like a lemon with a touch of orange in it and the taste was spot on with the smell. It was some great get up and go flowers. It has been gone a month or longer. I hated to see the bottom of the last jar! I will be growing the photo version of it very soon. Looks like you did a great job!! All 5 of mine were a lot taller plants but that is the way hybrids and autoflowering strains are. You never know what side of the genetics they are going to lean to until you grow them. Enjoy the fruits of your labor my friend!!

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      • Jme i have it on my list 4 my next order photo version !!

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        • I have it already in hand! lol 

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        • These are one of the two I ordered on my last order from Nirvana.  Two more rounds of babies with hopefully a sharp learning curve before I throw these in the dirt.

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          Focal length: 291/100mm
          Aperture: f/1.9
          Exposure time: 1/15s
          ISO: 1000