
  • 566

Not into the BS or drama scene, just cannabis, cannabis cultivation, and cannabis consumption. Just began cultivating cannabis in 2021, have had three successful harvests so far, with indoor and outdoor grows. I prefer indoor growing, but love the amount of space working outdoors. I'm a little crowded indoors. Running 3 tents for cultivating and one more for drying. Need more room for more cannabis. :)

Working towards commercial cultivating by 2025, meanwhile I grow, I learn about, and I enjoy my cannabis.

Wish you the best of luck and crops in your growspace. 


Thanks everyone.

Here's a couple more eye candy pics....

That is an outdoor Slurricane. Just pulled her last weekend. The smell is so pungent, can hardly wait to inhale  :)

changed a profile cover 
Added a post 

Greetings my fellow growmies, 

Just joined up today. Been getting my Seeds here for the better part of 2021. Thought I'd join and say high:)

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