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You get by with 4 sf 1000, in 4x4 tent, meaning I should consider having more for 4x8, but I have an ac installed on a wooden stand that takes 2 feet, and 2 of my plants started to die, because of the direct cold air intake, in my last grow, I had to place a piece of heavy plastic on ac and lower down fans direction   because the mixture of cold air and hot air from hids were creating humidity near bulb And bulbs were kinda leaking glass, so I guess I m left with 4x6 to focus on, which normally 800 watt new leds are recommending using in 5x5, and this might do a better job than hids, because overall I required 2000 watt of hids for my tent size , and due to failure of ballast , I had only one working and additional 2 flood led were no good at all, so maybe I m able to fly this ,  I am not a great pilot but I have flown before some old jets, what do you reckon 2 500 , or 1 1000, or as one another said, 2 se 7000

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our electricity is more expensive, so i cant be using 6 or 8 sf 1000 , i wont get much out like this i think, can i ask how much time do you give from seedling to flowering and how much do you average yield

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Thanks a lot

what is my 2 cent

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se 1000 is better than sf 1000, HLG are old i think, not tryna be expert what do u think ???

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2 will be more expensive, since se 1000 is for 4x4 with co2, other wise all others are saying their  800 watt is good for 5x5, since i think spider is better than mars or any other, 1000 watt should do the trick, plus i have an ac inside the tent, on wooden stand it takes 2 foot atleast, and anything under or very close is definitely dying , killed 2,

are you using se7000

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thanks a lot, how do i find pipes


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se 1000 is newer and better than sf 1000, that calculation was made accordingly when the lights were weaker, only one for 4x8

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i spent hours reading and yes i found the same , sf 1000 is very weak as compared to se 1000, i didnt choose any good brand when bought HIDS and didnt have any extra ballast, so thinking about less problems this time

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Thanks a lot, I just checked growweedeasy, is it 2 HLg LED 600 watt ? , what is your room size or tent ?
with time leds are more efficient taking less wattage and doing a better job, i think this new se 1000 should be good enough for 4x8 ???


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they are different, SE 1000 is more powerful

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Hello everyone,

I want to buy grow lights for my 4x8 grow tent, I Started with energy savers, went to HID for better and cost efficient grow, but a lot of mistakes in my last grow, plus in my starting of flowering time one of my 1000 watt HIDs Ballast froze,  i did what i could added two 300 watt led flood lights, but werent looking good , and one of them isnt working anymore, i realize it is very important to have good and trustworthy lights, thats why i am thinking about spider farmer se 1000, what do you guys think?

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I would say its close to the same

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