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could this be too much ppfd?

these are my 9 days old seedlings and i noticed that leafs are starting to twist abit( first set) , i had this before but i just taught maybe they are getting too much light ? can someone confirm for me what this is please

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Replies (10)
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      • you need a good T5 or CFLs for seedings

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        • good answer,,,i always use my trusty T5 setups for my new babies...werks fine..  keeps em shorter too

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        • they look fine to me...id say the way the leafs are kinda weird lookin is genetics...a big share of my grows have that happen too..   they straighten out after a couple sets of leafs...

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          • agreed...they are fine...just when ever you transplant em cover them stems up except for the top couple inches...

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            • They look fine except for the leaf turning up a little bit 
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            • some seedlings having there leaves twisted the first few days / weeks happen all the time, nothing to worry about.

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              • the leaf look ok, but those skinny toothpick stems are what worry me!  If the seedlings cant support themselves there is little hope for the future

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                • Some weak air movement (like breath exhale strength) might thicken those stalks. They look a little young for nutes, but I've recently discovered the benefits of a silica supplement to increase the hardiness of the whole plant when they're a little bigger.

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                  • I agree dave...that will definitely work with the lanky stems...

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