I had to put up a filter Yesterday, the smell outside was quite intense even though there were some wind. Just out of curiosity, how long will a filter like this work and how much less efficient will the fan be?
· Bluemm
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Cheers on the grow light, looks like a good one. That will keep that pesky stretch in check.
Not that I know the right way to do it but I will tell you how I go about it.
Maybe elevate the filter to the highest position you can safely get it in your tent. This will evacuate the hottest air from the tent along with as much odor as possible. Is that a 4 inch duct and filter? And please tell me that is not a vivosun filter, you will want to go with the infinity something or other on Amazon that is the same price next time, I did the same thing.
On fan efficiency it will depend on a few things: the cleanliness of the dust filter& carbon filter, also what kind of fan do you have?CFM?& style.
On life span: going into more humid days will only shorten the life of the filter. The volume of air that passes through the filter itself, amount of fan draw (CFM).
The more, the shorter the life, but better odor control while filter is new.
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· Bluemm
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Oh yeah, great idea to lift the filter a little higher. I will look into it! Its 100 mm so 4 inch-ish. No idea of the brand, I bought it here in Norway 8 years and have been stored unused ever since. I havent peaked underneath that white outer layer either.
The fan looks like in the picture, no idea what that kind is called really. It is stated to have a capacity of 180 m3 or so. I notice it is removing somewhat less air now but there has alos been no smell outside so all good I guess. And a few more weeks and I should be all done here for now.
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· Jim Nirvana
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normally filters last for 2..4 grows (take 2..3 flower months per grow) personally i have a rhino fan which says its good for 9..18 months but i prefer to life by the rule ''better be safe then sorry'' so if you can smell something then keep in mind its possible some1 else can too
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· Jim Nirvana
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