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Has anyone grown this strain?  I am looking for a smoke report I guess, they say it makes you tingly. By tingly do they mean it's  the feeling like the top of your head is going to float off? I like that feeling

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Replies (6)
    • ive grew it b4..i have some in my seed collection..its more of a sativa dominant strain that has cerebral stimulation. it might make ya feel like ur heads floating off i guess..its up to the smoker...lol

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      • Its on my to grow list for next year, I want to cross it with my Lemon OG Haze + SSH and a Sugar Black Rose, it just depends on who is the best looking Male

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        • Have you grown their Marmalate?

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          • yes...and i have some that i crossed with Nirvana Ice last year in my Nirvana Ice crossing project where i crossed a buncha diff strains with Ice... the Marmalate x Ice is tasty and strong

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          • Is that from delicious seeds?

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • yes

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