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Time of day

Any certain time of day recommended for harvest outdoors?

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Replies (8)
    • Wait until the dew has dried up …. Afternoon would be my answer.  😊   

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      • Thank you! 

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      • If not at night, then first thing in the morning. The dew isn't the only thing that dries up with the sun. Terpenes are lost, the more sun the plant gets. To compensate, they produce terpenes in the dark. So catch them as close to the end of the dark period as you can.

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        • Thanks for the info!! 

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          • I would go with first thing in the morning and before the time changes. 

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          • Just unplug the light and harvest when you want too. 

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • my hero !!

              0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Early AM !!




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