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So I bought a few regular seeds and would like to breed my own seeds.

where should I look for a good seed breeding info?

I would like to breed ak48 with its self and get seeds from it. But I’m unsure of how breeding is done. 
like what is f1 or f2?

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Replies (5)
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      • Its pretty easy get a male and a female plant and they will do the rest, like most things they dont dont even have to be in love. Where it gets tricky is when you want to breed and grow for smoke in the same space, that makes is a bit nerve wrecking, so I have a 2 X 2 X 4 tent I use for breeding but that is just me. 

        Regular seeds


        If you want fem seeds



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        • Good info mentioned above. Both of these guys are experienced. Personally, I don't get too deep into different male pollen. You can have as much as you want going on but I'm an old pothead and one male with 5 or 6 females is about all I need to keep up with. Do the recommended research and you can consult weedportal for more information. We'll be glad to share our experience. 

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          • Thats what I do, pick one male and let it pollinate the best looking fems and the fems are usually different strains  

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          • F1 is the first inital start from a cross and F2 is when you cross two F1's, 2 F1's may make a great strain or a strain with a 3rd eye. Sort of like Uncle Daddies kids or British Royality. LOL 

            I am growing some F2's now and 2 look pretty good but slightly different phenos and the third plant may have that 3rd eye.  


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