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toxic or deficiency

how do u tell which is which ??  i done an adjustment and bing the rocket scientist that i am i compounded the problem so flush flush flush and we started at it again .....  undecided

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Replies (9)
    • "adjustment" can mean a lot of things. Usually if the plant shows signs of stress or chlorosis, a couple days after feeding, it points to a toxicity issue. Deficiencies progress much slower, over a week to 10 days. This is why good note taking can be helpful. You got her back on track ?

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      • i don't know how 2 cut and paste modern technology illiterate sorry thank u CPW 

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        • Highlight what you want to copy

          press Ctrl & C to copy 

          press Ctrl & V to paste 

          if you can grow an Awful flower you can cut and paste lol 

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          • awful flowers r smarter then me 4 sure brother .....

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          • I like what chubbs is saying bout the time one toxicity confused me for a bit was too much potassium which can make the leaves lighter but I learned if the tips are slightly burnt it’s a toxicity

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            • Right on Hulkster.  When fert burn occurs, it shows at the leaf edge, or tip, because it has gone thru the leaf and now has nowhere to go, and it builds up, causing burn !! No matter how you look at it ...EXPERIENCE is the key to making a proper diagnosis !! I truly over the years, have learned the best lessons by my failures. PEACE

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