what is this?
happening to new growth
· Mark D
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St patty's day? pinch to grow an inch?
looks like what happens if I get in and don't pay attention to where my hands are and I pinch the unintended leaf. Coloration looks like the strong end of the nute pool and rockin' it.
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· Mark D
· Rick
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I don't think it is a big deal.....
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· Rick
· Chubby441
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Thrips or miners ? Look at the under side of the leaves, with a loop, for critters.
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· Chubby441
· Raptoff420
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Looks like it's been munched on by a type of insect, most probably aphids or some larva of some sort.
I would try to tackle this by spraying a neem oil solution.
Good luck!
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In reply to
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Neem oil wont kill the larva
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· Raptoff420
In reply to
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Not instantly no but I've had very successful results when using neem oil to drench the top 1 - 2 inches of soil against larva.
Another method i've used is to use Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water.
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· Raptoff420
· Raptoff420
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Did you look at the bottom of the leaves with a loop? Most of the little bastards leave a trail of crap on the bottom side that you wont need a loop to see it
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