anyone ever use a kief collector cup instead of using a grinder with a screen on the bottom? I just bought one wow does it work great! better then any grinder I've ever used.
· Rick
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it is kinda what do you want, to grind your weed or collect kief...lots of great ways to collect kief...grinders are for grinding not for collecting kief, yes they will grab a little when grinding but not the primary reason for using a grinder...
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· Rick
i prefer a good trim tray when harvesting. youll get such nice hash/keif. i also put my smaller, less significant buds on the tray and do a little shake, shake.
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I get a ton of it from my trim, that is what I use for edibles, RSO and Tincture.
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· growgrowgrow
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that's what I did with the trim from my last two plants, each gave me an oz of trim and leaves, one I made into RSO the other into canna butter then cookies!!! the RSO I smoked with my dabs straw!
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· growgrowgrow
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