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Do Hydro Grows Need More Bacteria Than Soil Grows?

Since soil usually comes with some Mycos and other bacteria should we use a higher concentrate in water grows? I am also wondering if its possible to over do the root bacteria and supplements or is it just a waste to add too much?  Will one type of bacteria conflict with another and cause a turf war between, Tribus, Mycos WP & Hydroguard? 

Foliar spray in flower is supposed to be really good for plants but I just cant bring myself to spray buds even in the dry winter months. It must leave some residue on the buds and I would think that would effect the flavor. Liquid Kelp is not a flavor I want to experience. Does anyone out there foliar feed in flower?

I sent this question to Impello, hopefully they will get back to me. 

I received the Tribus Original & Lumina Amino Acid yesterday thanks, awesome deal. I notice the mix is the same for hydro as it is for soil. Is that correct? I grow cannabis in a RDWC setup should I add more when I change our the reservoir and am I loosing my bacteria culture when I change the reservoir?
Will the Lumina stain my flowers if I use it as a floral spray or increase the risk of mold or bud rot?

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Replies (14)
    • That was a lot of power thinking CPW !!! 🤔🤔🤔.  I   Cannot answer any of your questions , but the foliar spraying. I don’t spray anything on buds at all. Never really did any on the plant itself either. I like the all natural, just plain good ol fashion smoke, and barnyard compost/ rainwater.   I agree with you that liquid kelp would be a disagreeable flavor,    plus the residue you  already mentioned may still be lingering.    Interesting......            😊 

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      • Its all about making the roots happy to me, I will foliar feed once a week with Kelp, Amino Acids and Humic Acid up to week 2 after I flip but past that I just cant make myself risk it 

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      • awesome question! i surely dont know! i do know thata reservoir of nutrients will develop all kinds of micro organisms just like soil! it would be great fun to take samples of older nutrients and put them under a real lab scope. thats why its called a culture! its basically a bucket full of bacteria

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        • i think you would do more damage cleaning a bucket reservoir with bleach than just dumping your nutes and giving it a quick rinse. bacteria in a reservoir is a good thing for the most part

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          • or even peroxide!


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            • I only use bleach between grows and actually there is some other stuff I prefer to use, P20 or something like that. H202 is good for  getting rid of powdery mildew and seems to work if you soak your seeds but I wont add it to the res

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            • Impello got back to me today, nice person and very helpful. Yes every time we change the res we are dumping the culture in there but no we dont need to feed at a higher rate than with soil. That part confuses me. If we feed tibus to soil and hydro at the same rate and we dump the culture we have in hydro each res change why would it need to be replaced in soil? Over thinking again

              No turf wars amongst bacteria an doing a 24 hour soak with just root supplements is a good idea according them. The plants in coco and the RDWC seem to like it.
              When I change the water in the RDWC dust the root balls with Azos and they seem to like that also. Brix is up and the root balls are huge.

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              • Use a biofilter, like 30% coco and 70% clay pebles, i`m use the foam glass for biofilter in dwc. I`m stopped using clay pebbles for my new start in dwc with bacteria. My biggest problem in dwc - root root for northern light and afghani ibl strains. When I added bacillus amyloliquefascience(diy hydroguard), glomus intraradices (diy Xtreme gardening Mykos, Orca, AN Piranha) and Pseudomonas Koreensis(DIY Xtreme Gardening Azos) in my garden root rot stopped forever. Don`t use Ammonia Nitrogen for Glomus. He don`t grow. Other Raw Salts working good for all types of bacteria.

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                • Foliar Sprays - absolutely NEEDED, imho. Because they allow grow without bugs, mold and mildew. But only Naturals, not Chemicals. I`m using Neem Powder for every afghani ibl grow. If you with money you can use Trifecta crop Control.

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                  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq_wl8XRUK4
                    watch this video! This guy use Trifecta on flowering, mix Azos and Mykos with Mamoth P and he has excellence results. I`m copy him scheme wit DIY raw salts and DIY Extreme gardening products and in my hydroponics garden for afghani ibl I has good results too

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                    • use kelp and molasses for bacteria food, not a plant food!

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                      • And I don`t need more use pgr`s, phytohormones from glomus, bacteria and kelp works fine

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                        • but if you use bacillus or mycorrhizae or fungi like trichoderma harzianum you need to control youre rez temp. Optimal rez temp is about 20-26oC. Ph 5.8 - 6.2. Don`t use hydrogen peroxide or water cooler(chiller). Bacillus Subtillis, for example, withstands temperatures up to 55oC

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