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whats a good DWC nutrient tea that I can make?

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Replies (2)
    • I suggest doing what I do, take fill a clear glass pitcher or jar and fill it with water. Then put a couple of tea bags in it and set it in the sun. Go sit in the shade for a couple of hours with a few beers and Markers Mark on the rocks and ponder the mess that anything organic is going to make in your buckets for a while and on your 2nd trip to pee, dump that tea mix on the lawn.

      Organics rot in DWC so you would need to mix a couple of tea spoons max in a 5 gallon bucket and you will still need to change that out every 3 days. I guess that is not my cup of tea, lol. 

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      • DWC is kinda more of a plug-and-play kind of way of growing. you add your nutrients, get your pH right and  vthen youre done. Not alot of interaction. If you want to do something beneficial for your plants id recommend talking to them and spend time in your grow room. This is a natural way of interacting with your plants while giving them precious CO2.

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