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HLG UVA 30 Light Bar

Has anyone else did anymore studying on the effects of UV lighting on a flowering plant since we discussed it a week or so ago? Does it cause more terpene production when used? I am following Brock at HLGs advise and using mine after the stretch until I start my 2 week flush, at least until I learn more about the effects of the UV lighting on cannabis plants. Might be something to run the whole life cycle as far as I know. I think it is used to make the plant produce more terpenoids to protect itself from the harmful spectrum of the UV lighting. What is you all's take on this subject? Just thought I would put an actual question pertaining to growing up in the question section. That is what we are all here for right? Thanks and happy growing my friends!!

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Replies (4)
    • Jme does the sun emit those rays when growing outside until the plant is ready 4 it or is it there and the plant use's it when it is ready 2 ??  just power thinking ....

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      • whaaa?

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        • Improving quality is my whole reason for growing indoors. I could grow all these strains outside in one season. Doesn’t matter if the UV is there during veg or not if you get better finished quality flowers without it then you can change that in an indoor environment and just turn it on when it best serves what you are wanting out of the plant. Just like with the right equipment I can make it spring, winter, or fall in Mississippi at anytime of the year.

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        • What UPPPP YALLL ? I had several plants in 5 gallon pots that were out doors, I put one of these plants on my sundeck that has a roof made out of some UV resistant material. When I reunited this plant 2 months later with it's buddies, it was noticeably shorter and bushier . Are far as helping the flowering process.... JM you're the man, let us know bruh ! Could be a sales pitch too . 

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