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Does anyone use the hanging mesh drying racks? If so, what's the best way to utilize it? 

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Replies (5)
    • I'm interested in this as well.  Do you have trouble with flat buds

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      • I did last 2 grows.  Hang it,do your harvest you wont be hanging buds cut em off the stem and put em in the rack. I put the rack in the darkest coldest place in the house I could logicly use. Single layer. You can run your hand on the underside of where the buds are to rotate them. I don't think that needs to be done. Nothing was flat (no flat buds). It took about the same amount of time as hanging them. I did 1 dry trim and 1 wet trim. took the same amount of time. Silly guys a flat bud smokes as good as a round 1! I had to interject some humor in there....

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        • I have never had flat spots on buds either and when they cure they are going to lay on each other anyway

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        • If you dry trim I dont think you have much of a choice really. I always put something under the buds to catch what falls off too.

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          • Damn good idea
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