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@RbtAsq, I learned about the timing the hard way this grow, I am trying to keep things in sync with the rdwc and I blew it big time, lol. Oh well, this time I will SCROG the next time I will SOG and not do any testing on cloning. My plan was also 2 weeks in the cloner and 2 weeks veg also. that give the rdwc 4 weeks for the roots to hit water and 3 weeks to veg which is plenty. 

The century timers are great but the ones from the company that bought them out, not so great.


    •  My dumbass decided to try new cloning agents. Cost me TWO batches of clones, so I'm really screwed up right now.

       Thinking about a 2nd cloner, one for status quo, and one to try new stuff in.

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      • Thats a good idea. I stuck 2 cuttings in dirt and they rooted and there's one in a glass of water thats rooted, I am not sure what to do with them. Selling clones may be a lucrative business, so now I am thinking again.

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