Comment to 'morning D i use pro~mix hp biofungicide + mycorrhizae it is a pe...'
  • i guess if the HP isn't available make yer own  I say.

    that is if peat is available on it's own

    also do you recycle your soil? I take the stuff I grow in and set it to weather and rinse it clean. good to go with a little fresh added in. pH it and check it's ppm to be sure I have rinsed any excess salts out and Haven't had any difficulty with it. I have used the flushing agents and water to get rid of the heavy salts at the end of the cycles. you know the drill "only water"at the end. this helps too.

    I just don' t throw it out, it just gets 'cycled in somewhere in the yard or garden, why not back to my girls?

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