Comment to 'Rosen Pres'
Comment to Rosen Pres
  • I've been smoking wax for over two years and it's homemade. There's a bit of an art to it. More heat will make it less tasty because it burns out the terpenes but you get more product. Imo, you need a 6 ton or more press. Keep that heat down and enjoy the flavor. Is it worth the time and effort? Hell yes! I wouldn't still be doing it otherwise. Think about a dab of concentrate on the atomizer coils and a little bud stuffed on top of that...I use a glass bulb and run about 5 volts. Yeah it definitely burns and it will fk you up! I say be careful if you're not used to it. 

    Get some from a dispensary and try before you buy because it's not for everyone. I only smoke in the evening but I want a damn good rip when I do. Btw, if you get over 3 grams of good wax from your oz. you're good. If you get less than 2 you're kinda fartin in the wind.

    I will say this...somango did not produce a lot...slightly over 2 but actually is some of the best flavor I've had. 

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    • I need to work on my technique a bit

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