Comment to 'Kush & OG'
Comment to Kush & OG
  • Was it possible to bring out a variety that remained in the tent for a long time, which would you really like? How many crosses do you need to make to get something special, your own? 

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    • I’m sorry Izigrow I’m having trouble understanding what your asking somewhat but to the second question you asked about how many crosses it takes to make something unique and your own.

      I would say not many it really depends on the phenos you find and your selection process. You could go with a 2 strain cross but after the F1 it’s up to you what traits you want to pass on and the further you go from the F1 generation, the less genetics material you have to use like say traits and such. That is unless your using multiple mothers or fathers during the crosses.

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      • Первый вопрос был о том, получилось ли  создать любимый штам. Но вы очень подробно ответили на главный вопрос. Спасибо, надеюсь применить на практике. 

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