Comment to 'How come ?'
Comment to How come ?
  • Imo, Nirvana is alienating their long time American customer's. I don't know if it's because they see an opportunity to make a lot more money with the fact that a lot more people are starting to home grow or if they have restructured in their upper management and decided to milk the fat lazy Americans. Whatever it is, it sucks! I am putting together an order for my next year grows and none of them will be Nirvana genetics. I have only ever ordered from Nirvana but I can't swallow the changes. I am only one person and if they market themselves enough I will be replaced and then some by people who don't know better. I guess it is "progress ". We are the blacksmith in the age of Ferrari. 

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    • In a lot of ways I think they did you a favor and opened up a whole new world of possibilities to you. I think you may have this reversed. "They are the blacksmith in the age of Ferrari" but I have a lot of respect for blacksmith's so how about they are the plug in calculators in the age of smartphones, lol 

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