Comment to 'Thinning out or trimming'
  • youve got alot of plants under the net. so in my opinion what you want the SCRoG for is to spread out the plants and take up as much horizontal space as you can! with 9 or 10 plants it wont take long and you will certainly need to get in to maintain each plant. i dont mean to burst your bubble but youve got alot of really great plants going already and i feel this will restrict your access to them. either way its gonna be one hell of a ride!

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    • LOL! No bursting here...Its my first tme out of the gate on any serious indoor growing and went straight for the throut on doing a SCROG lol. I knew there was gonna be some hicups and I am learning a lot! That is 10 autos under there. I am thinking that 8 wouild be a better number next time around, and that wouild work with most banks selling seeds in counts of 4 it seems. but yea, its starting to keep me very busy. I actually got set back in growth a bit due to nutients burn from being to dry and under watering, Otherwise, I might have had an absolute jungle on my hands lol

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      • this will make you a better grower! its the price of an education. And youre gonna pay the price, but a calm sea does not make a skilled sailor so this will be a learning lesson for us all!!


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